


Animation comes in a whole host of styles, variations and applications. No matter your project, there’s a style for you.

Fancy some punchy animated graphics for your social media? No problem, let’s make a 2D logo animation or an impactful looping sequence. Need something explaining visually? I’ve got just the thing: an animated infographic can get the point across clearly.

Or perhaps you’re after something with more dimension, specifically, one more dimension - 3D animation could be the perfect choice for your project. Need to show off a new product or service? 3D can help with that.

Animation can be applied to any project. It adds a level of detail that could otherwise be lost with still graphics. Add it to a website for an eye-popping first impression. Or put it in a shareholder presentation for that extra level of professionalism. There are endless ways animation, in any capacity, can be added to your business so feel free to get in touch with me to discuss how.

Having worked with clients in plenty of industries, small and large businesses and a wide range of budgets, I’ve been able to hone in on what is required for a project.

Got a project in mind? Maybe a sketch or even just an idea? From first conceptualisation to final delivery, I’ll develop and produce your perfect animation project alongside you and ensure it’s right for your specific needs. Drop me a line and let’s have a chat over a cuppa. It’s free.

Tom Paddon